Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Place To Walk To

My name is Ling and I am a Malaysian-Chinese currently studying the backstage side of the entertainment world in New York City. I will be graduating soon in May 2011 and am fortunate enough to have landed a job at the prestigious voice-over studio, Edge Studios, which has both a training facility for aspiring voice talent and a production house.

My past is complicated like any international third-culture kid: moved when I was 10 to New Jersey in the USA from Malaysia, moved back when I was 13 to Malaysia, moved to Taiwan when I was 14, moved back to Malaysia when I was 16 and then moved to NYC for university. This makes me a semi-banana (banana - white on the inside, yellow on the outside), because neither my Malay or any Chinese language or dialect are very good.

I am also neither a neat freak, nor a very productive cleaner of my apartment in Brooklyn. That all changes when my parents or close family relatives comes to visit, however.

I like playing cute G-rated video games on my Nintendo DS Lite. Top 3 Game Series: Pokemon, Harvest Moon and Professor Layton. I like to read. Rather than watching a Korean/Japanese/Chinese drama series, I would rather read the synopsis or the recap. The same goes for Anime, I would rather read the Manga (if there was one available).

I am also a girly tomboy. By that, I mean that I do not like wearing dresses or skirts, preferring jeans instead, but I do get excited over exciting accessories, like bracelets, earrings, pantyhose etc. I am not the thin Asian girl size. Instead I have boobs and a booty like a black girl. All this while being 5' 3", by the way. On good days, I'll bask in the curviness of my body. On bad days, I will point to a picture of a skinny Asian girl and wish I had that.

I like listening to music from countries whose languages I don't understand. The songs I have on my phone are mostly from Kpop and really from one band: Big Bang. Say what you will, but I love them, their music, fashion sense and design elements for their stages and music videos. Yes, you are speaking to a fangirl here. <3~

I have a wonderful boyfriend named Bia. He lives 2 hours away from me, so I only get to see him for a weekend every month, but we have been surviving in this relationship for 3 years and a half now, and I honestly could not have conquered the obstacles I have gone through without him. Current obstacle: Trying to walk again after having fractured my ankle 9 weeks ago.

what a vibrant purple that is...

I slipped on ice near my school building the weekend before Valentine's Day, which was the time I was supposed to go to his place to see him and surprise him for the holiday. And then I got injured. He came over every weekend to take care of me, even in my moody state. Three weeks in the purple cast was absolutely torture. Everyone should lose their mobility at least once in their life to truly appreciate how much their legs do.

So what can you expect in this blog?
A mosh pit of my life, to put it simply. It's not going to be a specialized blog. It's going to have food reviews (whether it be restaurants, cooking or take out), random sketches that I drew while sitting in the park and random comments, compliments and questions about life in general.

Why did I want to start blogging again? Because my leg is in a cam walker right now, I'm not able to exercise in the gym and can only do the one thing I was denied for 8 weeks - walking. So I will walk, bringing a sketchbook, a camera and an umbrella, and maybe sometimes Bia. To start exploring the places in NYC that I have not gone to already in my 4 years here. To start doing the things I've been hoping to do (like eat live octopus). All of the places that I want to go, I can walk to them. No need for a car, not even the train, everything is and always will be within walking distance.

I have a history in blogging. I kept a steady (and very emo) blog on livejournal throughout my middle school and high school years, and was so into it that I pulled my close friends into blogging as well. It was a great way to know what was happening in each others' lives, even though we saw each other every day - the polar opposite of what is happening now as we have moved for higher education in different places all over the world.

During my university years, I would blog on and off. Blog a small post. Miss three months. Blog another post apologizing for not posting. Don't post again for another six months. That won't happen with this blog. Sure, there may be days I miss a few days, due to being busy studying for exams, but it won't be being missing for a few months anymore. Well, let's hope not, at least.

I hope you enjoy my stories. If you didn't like anything I've written, then I hope you at least flirt with someone attractive tonight. The day shouldn't be a total waste.